

The Railway & Canal Historical Society

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Founded in 1954 to bring together all those interested in the history of transport, with particular reference to railways and waterways in Britain, its main objects are to promote historical research and to raise the standard of published history. Everyone with an interest at any level in any aspect of the subject is invited to apply for membership. The Society is active in the following fields.
•Journal, published three times a year, containing authoritative papers and articles by members, objective book reviews, and with an annual bibliography of books and periodical literature.
•Bulletin of Society news and events, notes and queries etc, published six times a year.
• Six regional Groups organising winter lecture and summer visit programmes in London, East Midlands, West Midlands, North East, North West and South West, as well as one or more annual national Events. Anyone is welcome to come along to our meetings.
•Journal circulating occasional papers on Early Railways, Road Transport, Air Transport, Railway Chronology, Waterways History, Docks & Shipping, and Materials Handling.
• Research index of canal and railway primary research sources; research fund to assist towards research costs.
• The opportunity to make contact with others working in the same field; lists of members’ interests are available and the Society has links with kindred organisations.
• Book publishing programme.

The Society also promotes research through its publications and through its photographic collections. It provides advice to serious researchers about the location of primary and secondary research resources  and the practice of research and it is consulted by national bodies on the preservation of transport records and structures. To encourage the writing of well-researched, interesting and readable books it promotes an annual book award scheme.


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