
Bibliographic references


Mazes and labyrinths

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Publisher: Dover 1970

ISBN: 978-1605067995

Edition: 2


The terms "maze" and "labyrinth" are no longer considered interchangeable. Unlike a maze, which is an entertaining puzzle with many dead ends, a labyrinth is unicursal: it consists of one path which twists and turns but leads inevitably to the centre. In some turf labyrinths, the groove cut in the turf is the path to be walked (sometimes marked with bricks or gravel); more commonly the turf itself forms the raised path which is marked out by shallow channels excavated between its twists and turns. The labyrinth especially has quite an esoteric significance, as it can represent a journey through the degrees towards the central goal. This book is a massively in-depth study of mazes and labyrinths around the world, from modern to antiquity.

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